Patio Barón is a community driven workshop where people gather to create their own crafts using chilean native techniques. We offer programs especially aimed to people who want to learn more about the native culture of Chile by working wood and stone.
Watch our video ''Workshops in Patio Baron'' on Youtube
There is different possibilities to access at this unique experience :
The workshop is mainly divided into two: The "Pedroteca" (place where the stones are), here we choose stones, modelated them. In this place are situated the lathes, machines used for modeling small pieces of stone, mainy for jewelry, buttons, rings, etc. The second place is where we do the finishing process, which is basically hand sand paper. In this stage you can move the stone outside the main workshop, to any place in the second level. In these way the work of modeling a stone is related to an open community-workshop, while the sand paper is more into a meditative, intime, lonely time.
As a way of producing less spare material, we try to use all the stone we bring from the mountains. When you work in big pieces, some very important percentage of the stone is lost (almost 40-50%). Some of these spare material converts into stone dust (which it´s lost), and the rest are small pieces of stone between 8 to 3 cms. These little pieces are reclycled by reusing giving them new shape in the work with the lathe.
Workshops in Patio Barón :
an unique initiation of stone art
Our internal policy is focus on teaching and experimenting, know all the possibilities that the material have. This means a lot of hours to get to the final result. Sometimes a stone would need to shine as the sun, as in other cases, the texture will be raw, or an accurate finishing with a chisel. All this works are meant to re-discover the different possibilities that a stone could give to you. In this way you re-create a new science by the means of experimentation.
The final works are meant to stay in the Patio Baron, as they become the collection where we can start a new way of teaching. When you are at the workshop, most of the times you have ideas & problems : how to resolve a complex form, give balance to final texture, the complexity of the joints, etc. The way to resolve these tricky points is the way between all these previous work. In these way we create transcendence, heritage, culture. Your ending work will become the example for those future generations that wants to keep on researching into the limits of stone.