Workshops in Patio Barón :
an unique initiation of stone art
The work of stone is big and challenging, but this kind of work is not only devote to a strong muscle type of body. Water seem to be the most diluted and weak element, but yet it can modelate, or break even the hardest of all stones!!.. The only thing you need to work stone is good wrists, flexible mind, and a lot of constant devote work. Gender issue is not a problem in the art of stones.
The work of stone is mainly aim to people that wants to develop a : clear balance of imagination, abstract mind, strong body (even better than go to a gym), respect for nature, meditative work and challenging task to perform out of the common duties.
We provide all what is necessary to work. You only need to bring your personal staff : a dust mask, gloves a leather apron, ear plugs and wear comfortable clothes.The programmes are quite open, depends on your previous skills & interest.
Modeling stones for Jewlery
8hrs- two afternoon
Here you´ll learn how to make different things you´ll might need for your private uses : Buttons, rings, earrings, necklaces, etc. This course includes the knowledge of ochers made out in copper, bronze, or alpaca (mixture of tin & silver).
Cost : 60.000 Clp
* the payment will be olny in cash and before the classes start